Category:BBC Geldof in Africa

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Bob Geldof -- a loyal supporter of Africa, brings audiences a cultural, historical, and environmental look at the continent through a series of six visually stunning documentary essays in GELDOF IN AFRICA.

The six original, 30-minute programs, documentary essays entirely shot in Africa, are written and presented by Bob Geldof -- the man who gave a human face to complex issues. The programs chronicle the culture, history, climate, and political environment of Africa in a celebration of this glorious land and its vast peoples.

Geldof has for years put his rock-star status to good use for humanitarian causes in Africa. It all began with a concert in 1985. Geldof took a stand against poverty in Africa and organized Live Aid. This was a groundbreaking event -- two concerts, one in London and one in Philadelphia, in an effort to raise money and awareness for the people of Ethiopia. Over 2 billion people watched the concerts that raised $73 million to directly benefit famine victims. In 2005 he did it again with the Live 8 concerts. This modern Live Aid brought together today's top musicians in one massive concert performed simultaneously throughout eight great cities around the world. Geldof helped a generation both to realize the hardships and the beauty that is Africa and called on them for help. This generation answered, and has sprung a movement to continue the work.

GELDOF IN AFRICA showcases this humanitarian spirit and the people he has worked so hard to help. Filmed in Ghana, Benin, and Mali, this program is a personal journey through West Africa to understand the complexities of African people.

Articles in category "BBC Geldof in Africa"

There are 3 articles in this category.